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  1. Absolutely! It’s been sometime since I read pure fiction, but you’re right. Psychology is an integral part of building solid characters. While not pure fiction (like John Grisham) I read a really interesting book that’s in the fiction/self help category. Outstanding read. Read it in one go- The stranger in the lifeboat, by Mitch Albom. When I finished that book, I thought I should read more of that genre, but forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder!🙂

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About Me and this Blog

I’m a normal guy with a technology job, and a happy family. It struck me in 2020 that stress and anxiety do not have to be the normal way of life. I believe everyone needs therapy. I believe there are a million others going though the same thing I’m going through now and can benefit from me documenting how I deal with my mind as I go through the daily grind. I’m a work in progress. Follow my posts and see if you relate to them. Even if it’s not useful to anyone, I think writing is helping me grow, and so, I’m just going to write.

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