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Being ecstatic (Word of the day)

Today’s word is ecstasy; being ecstatic.

I am trying to recollect my ecstatic moments. I think I was ecstatic when I got my first walkie talkie. I was ecstatic when I got a job opportunity with a big brand. A few years later, I was ecstatic when I got an offer that doubled by pay with a bigger brand. I was ecstatic when I got my hands on my favourite kebab from my favourite restaurant after ages. I’m sure I can think of more instances, but I’m wondering why can’t I be ecstatic all the time? It’ll be brilliant wouldn’t it?

I tried recollecting what it meant for me to be ecstatic. After ignoring all the initial responses my mind gave me- thrilled, happy, joy etc., I realised being ecstatic meant I was not worried about anything else at that moment. I wasn’t thinking about anything else; almost as if I’d forgotten the rest of the world. The first thought I had was- yeah, that’s great. However, even when I’ve had a few drinks, I forgot the rest of the world and I’m free of worries. Is it is like a drug then? Is anything that takes you away from the moment good? I also wonder, why was I ecstatic in those situations. I was ecstatic because I got something I desired; I badly wanted. Does ecstasy then come from a place of lacking? If I am truly happy with what I have at the moment, will I be ecstatic when something else comes along? Probably not. I would accept whatever comes along, better or worse (if there is anything like that) in a balanced manner.

I’m not saying that I think I should not be happy, or thrilled. It will be great if it does not come from a place of lacking. It’ll be great if it does not come from a place of a strong want for something. I would love to be open to life, and I’d love to welcome whatever comes my way. I’d love to be happy and truly believe I have everything I need at any given moment. If at any given moment, I don’t feel I lack anything, if I’m free of worries from not being able to achieve or acquire something, I’ll be joyful. I’ll always be joyful. Probably being ecstatic might mean something else at that point. I don’t know now. Hopefully I’ll get there and find out.

Note: This is an experiment I started a few days ago. I write about the first word that comes to my mind. I write spontaneously. No thinking, planning, researching. Obviously, a lot of what I write will come from what I’ve read. I don’t claim that what I’m writing is accurate or what I’ve experienced. It is what comes to my mind when I think about the word. Also, I’m not following any format. The other posts in this series:




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