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Word of the day- Insufficiency

Note: This is an experiment I started a few days ago. I write about the first word that comes to my mind. I write spontaneously. No thinking, planning, researching. Obviously, a lot of what I write will come from what I’ve read. I don’t claim that what I’m writing is accurate or what I’ve experienced. It is what comes to my mind when I think about the word. Also, I’m not following any format. I wrote about Insensitivity day before yesterday, and Injustice yesterday. Today’s word that came to mind was insufficiency.


Ask, they said.

You’ll get, they assured.

Ask who, and get by when, I quipped?

Don’t try to force a timeline, and ask whoever you believe in.

I did not say anything to them.

Wondered how the hell will I go from pauper to prince.

I’m no man lucky of miracles. I’m no man lucky of abundance.

What do I have to lose, I thought.

I asked for everything I wanted.

Money, house, fame, health, luxury.

I woke up next morning to the smell of lilies.

Surprised by the pleasant smell, I looked outside my bedside window.

A man had parked his cycle by my road selling lilies.

The wind kind enough to bring the sweet fragrance to my window.

I woke up with a smile and started my day.

As I walked along the road, I see the man I usually see on the road walking to work.

He walks across to give me a penny that he noticed I had dropped yesterday.

I put the penny back into my wallet, and walked across the park to take a short cut.

I walked slower than usual today, noticing the bright orange flowers in the trees.

I looked down to see a small pathway formed by the wind blowing away flowers.

As if nature had created a red carpet for me, treating me like I’m its special person.

I reached my workplace, and they asked, did you ask?

I said yes, but nothing happened. I still have no money, and I don’t have a car.

Yes, but you have a smile on your face today, they said.

Ah! It is because it’s a good day. I noticed things that I never noticed before.

That’s a miracle, they said.

I smiled to myself, and thought, yes, it’s been a morning of small miracles.

I got something that I did not even know I had lost. I smelt flowers, felt the wind on my face, and even got a red carpet welcome.

So it’s started then, they said.

I said what’s started?

Your first step to abundance, and getting what you asked for.

How’s that I asked?

Because you now believe in miracles, they said.

I smiled, and said aloud, yes, I believe in miracles.

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