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Dealing with injustice

This is an experiment I started yesterday. I close my eyes and write about the first word that comes to my mind. I write spontaneously. No thinking, planning, researching. Obviously, a lot of what I write will come from what I’ve read. For example, today’s word was injustice. Once I finished writing, I realised it was pretty much influenced from a chapter I read from Commentaries of living by J.Krishnamurti (titled Will you join my animal welfare organisation). Nevertheless, it is not intentional. I’m assuming what comes to my mind is be based on which books’ influenced me the most, or a mish-mash of everything I’ve read. I don’t claim that what I’m writing is accurate or what I’ve experienced. It is what comes to my mind when I think about the word. Also, I’m not following any format. Yesterday, it was a couple paragraphs about Insensitivity. Today, it’s like a dialogue/short form. Anyway. Enough background. Read on….

Dealing with Injustice.

Injustice in how we treat people.

Injustice in how we treat animals.

Injustice in how we treat nature.

Injustice in how we treat our close ones.

Injustice in how we treat ourselves.

Can humanity be free of injustice?

You are interested in justice for children.

She is interested in justice for animals.

He is interested in justice for the minority.

I am interested in justice for myself.

Can all of us act on our individual interests to eradicate injustice?

Are the individual pieces equal to the sum total?

Individually can we eradicate anything?

Can we eradicate anything without understanding the sum total?

What is the sum total? What remains when we eradicate injustice?

Only love remains. Do we understand love?

Do we truly understand love?

Shouldn’t our quest be to understand what is unconditional love?

Love for animals, humans, children, without any vested interest. Without any interest for fame, power, a good name. Without interest in your association with the result.

Can we love like that?

Can we operate from a place like that?

If yes, then even the minutest of action will have significant impact on the universe.

No need to worry about right action to achieve love.

Any action from the place of love will be the right action; will be the most effective action.

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