I stare at the bright white stars
A million specks in the grey blue sky
I admire the beauty of the view
For a second I get lost in it
I get back to reality with a jolt
Turbulence, said the pilot
I again look at the roof of the airplane
Wanting to get lost again
I don’t get the same comfort
I can only feel the cramped seats
The now familiar smell of the airplane
The stench of food, people, shoes
With a whiff of pleasantness
As the flight attendant passes by
Wearing a floral and heady perfume
The brashness of the perfume a necessity
To cut through the myriad other smells
I look at the small specks of light again
Unable to get lost, like the last time
I breathe and stare, blink my eyes
But to no avail. I’m still here
I realize it’s not possible
After all, it is just a design on an airplane
And not the real night sky
Eyes closed, I wonder, when will I realize
That true wealth is around me
The mountains, trees, birds, nature
And not money, house, or stature.